Monday, July 30, 2007

Update: On De-Fence

Sorry about the delay in posting on this blog, I've been busy supervising the installation of the guard rail. Here is the latest picture of the on going yard improvement.

The guy doing the job will be back on Tuesday to fill the post holes. He had to wait a couple of days while the concrete cured. Jan and I decided not to paint the guard rail. We figured the paint would wear off quickly and would look worse if we did paint it. After all, it is a guard rail for cryin' out loud.

The grass in the yard is a complete disaster at this point. It has become dormant because of the drought we've had this summer. We plan on landscaping the yard after we get the entire fence installed.

I'll keep you all posted on the progress of this project. The next step is the fence installation inside the guard rail.


BananaBuzzbomb said...

Looking good. I'm trying to figure out what you ended up using for a reflective marker. Did you end up going with the plastic one?

Anonymous said...

Nice looking guardrail. I think it's wise NOT TO PAINT it. As you said the paint would probably peal off in time anyway and not look that nice. Am anxious to watch the rest of the construction. Between your fence construction and Kyle's new house construction, it keeps Ralph and me busy driving around watching the progress. It's a nice pasttime for OLD FOLKS.


Jillian said...

happy anniversary!

Anonymous said...

Hi Mark,
You must have changed email address. Jerry tried to send a card but couldn't. But I know how to reach you... Happy 35th Anniversary to you and your lovely wife Jan. We love you both!!!
Jerry & Diana

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