Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Give Me Liberty

It's unbelievable that over a year has passed since I have blogged. Being the great procrastinator that I am, I've finally decided to sit down at the keyboard and pound out some of my thoughts. Thanks to Heidi, Ande and Jacki (who all coaxed me) I'm back at it. They're either starved for entertainment or delusional--take your pick.

A few Saturdays ago Jan and I decided to go to the Sandusky Mall. As we were driving on Rt. 250 we noticed standing on the side of the road a young lady dressed as the Statue of Liberty. She was wearing a light blue toga, with a light blue tiara and holding a torch. Since there was about a foot of snow and the temperatures were hovering around zero, we both felt this was very strange. She was out drumming up business for Liberty Tax Service. The poor lady had to be freezing her booty off. As we drove past in our warm car, we waved to her as she waved back with a smile. More than likely her smile was frozen on her face. Now how many people would actually say to themselves, "Let's get our taxes prepared right now"? I know I've seen this scene before. Probably in Florida where the temperature was about 80 degrees, not in the frozen tundra of Sandusky Ohio on a frigid January morning. I'm sure this gig didn't pay well. Picture yourself wearing a bed sheet, waving at cars, freezing your ass off, on the busiest road in Sandusky. You couldn't pay me enough money, that's for sure.

A few nights after this episode, once again we were driving to the mall. Again, standing and waving on the side of the road was "Miss Liberty". This time it was completely dark, and it was a replacement "Miss Liberty". No doubt the first "Miss Liberty" told her boss to either shove it, or she was in the hospital suffering with pneumonia.

No doubt this is where the phrase "Givk thise Me Liberty or Give Me Death" originated.

PS: They actually have machines in Ann Arbor, MI. Check this out courtesy of my niece Jacki.